AUBURN GOES TEAL is a campaign of Rape Counselors of East Alabama for Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM). The goal of SAAM is to raise public awareness about sexual violence and educate communities on how to prevent it. Rape Counselors of East Alabama strives to provide 24-hour free and confidential services to victims of sexual assault, their families, and friends. RCEA is committed to empowering survivors and eliminating all forms of sexual violence in our community. Through education and awareness, RCEA aims to change the cultural norms that enable sexual assault to proliferate. Our service area includes: Lee, Tallapoosa, Macon and Chambers county with our office located in Auburn, AL. We welcome survivors of all genders, including men and transgender people, races, religions, incomes, languages,
abilities, ethnicities, and sexual orientations.
SAAM calls attention to the fact that sexual harassment, assault, and abuse are widespread and harm our community. Through AUBURNGOESTEAL we hope to draw attention to the issue to spark a change. This year, SAAM is celebrating it's 19th anniversary and the theme for this years campaign "I Ask" helps empower all of us to put consent into practice and shares the message that asking for consent is a normal and necessary part of sex. We ask that all members of the Auburn community join advocates and communities across the country in taking action to prevent sexual violence.
- 1 in 5 women and 1 in 67 men will be raped at some point in their lives. (Smith et al., 2017)
- 1 in 6 boys and 1 in 4 girls will experience sexual assault before age 18. (Dube et al., 2005)
- 1 in 5 women and 1 in 16 men are sexually assaulted during their time in college. (Krebs et al., 2007)
These are just a few of the devastating statistics associated with sexual violence. Please consider joining us in GOING TEAL to prevent sexual violence in Auburn. Visit the DONATE and EVENTS tabs and keep up with RCEA via our Social Media and website to stay up to date on how you can help make a difference.